Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Q: Do you have Rin Tin Tin line German Shepherds / Rin Tin Tin line puppies?

The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin

Q: Do you have Rin Tin Tin line German Shepherds / Rin Tin Tin line puppies?

Yes! Some of our breeding dogs do contain lineage that can trace back to Rin Tin Tin IV and Rin Tin Tin II, the dogs that played in "The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin" with Rusty (Lee Aaker). While not nearly the size of our oversized German Shepherds, Rin Tin Tin would be classified as an old fashioned German Shepherd due to his thick bone structure as well as a straight back and strong, "study as a table" appearance. Old fashioned dogs generally tend to differ from today's show dogs, which (depending on the lines), have a more sloping or "roaching" back end.

While only some, and not all, of our dogs to not trace to the Rin Tin Tin of TV fame, they can still embody the physical appearance of Rin Tin Tin IV, who was a short coat maskless sable. We will occasionally have Rin Tin Tin line German Shepherd puppies available to select companion homes.

Rin Tin Tin line German Shepherd

Greta can not only trace her lineage back to both Rin Tin Tin IV and Rin Tin Tin II, but also another famous German Shepherd named Chinook as White Shadow of the 1950's Disney Mickey Mouse Club Corky and White Shadow.

Rin Tin Tin German Shepherds | Rin Tin Tin line Geman Shepherds | Rin Tin Tin line puppies | Rin Tin Tin II | Rin Tin Tin IV | The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin | Rin Tin Tin puppies

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